Mani H, Miyagishima S, Kozuka N, Kodama Y, Takeda K, Asaka T: Development of postural control during single-leg standing in children aged 3–10 years.
Miyagishima S, Asaka T, Kamatsuka K, Kozuka N, Kobayashi M, Igarashi L, Hori T, Tsutsumi H: Spontaneous movements of preterm infants is associated with outcome of gross motor development.
Inoue T, Ninuma S, Hayashi M, Okuda A, Asaka T, Maejima H: Effects of long-term exercise and low-level inhibition of GABAergic synapses on motor control and the expression of BDNF in the motor related cortex.
Hasegawa N, Takeda K, Sakuma M, Mani H, Maejima H, Asaka T: Learning effects of dynamic postural control by auditory biofeedback versus visual biofeedback training.
Takeda K, Mani H, Hasegawa N, Sato Y, Tanaka S, Maejima H, Asaka T: Adaptation effects in static postural control by providing simultaneous visual feedback of center of pressure and center of gravity.
Ibuki A, Mani H, Takeda K, Hasegawa N, Yamamoto K, Naejima H, Asaka T: Characteristic Relationship between the Centre of Pressure and the Centre of Mass During Quiet Standing in Female Ballet Dancers.
Wang Y, Watanabe K, Asaka T: Aging effect on muscle synergies in stepping forth during a forward perturbation.
Takahashi K, Maejima H, Ikuta G, Mani H, Asaka T: Exercise combined with low-level GABAA receptor inhibition up-regulates the expression of neurotrophins in the motor cortex.
Ito K, Tomata Y, Kogure M, Sugawara Y, Watanabe T, Asaka T, Tsuji I: Housing type after the Great East Japan Earthquake and loss of motor function in elderly victims: A prospective observational study
Miyagishima S, Asaka T, Kamatsuka K, Kozuka N, Kobayashi M, Igarashi R, Hori T, Yoto Y, Tsutsumi H: Characteristics of antigravity spontaneous movements in preterm infants up to 3 months of corrected age