Mani H, Miyagishima S, Kozuka N, Takeda K, Taneda K, Inoue T, Sato Y, Asaka T: Development of temporal and spatial characteristics of anticipatory postural adjustments during gait initiation in children aged 3–10 years.
Colley N, Mani H, Ninomiya S, Komizunai S, Murata Eri, Oshita H, Taneda K, Shima Y, Asaka T: Effective catheter manoeuvre for the removal of phlegm by suctioning: A biomechanical analysis of experts and novices.
Zhuoyue Z, Watanabe K, Asaka T, Wang Y: Postural control in preparation to a step during support surface perturbation.
Wang Y, Watanabe K, Asaka T: Effect of dance on multi-muscle synergies in older adults: a cross-sectional study.
Hasegawa N, Mancini M, King LA, Horak FB, Asaka T.: Learning Effects of Visual and Auditory Feedback Training on Voluntarily Postural Control. Neuroscience 2019, Chicago, IL, USA, October 23, 2019.
Taneda K, Mani H, Kato N, Komizunai S, Ishikawa K, Maruya T, Takamatsu Y, Asaka T.: Influence of peripheral visual field loss on sensory reweighting system during quiet standing in virtual reality environment. Neuroscience 2019, Chicago, IL, USA, October 23, 2019.
Hasegawa N, Maas K, Shah VV, Carlson-Kuhta P, Nutt JG, Horak FB, Asaka T, Mancini M.: Functional Limits of Stability and Standing Balance in People with and without Freezing of Gait. 2019 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society Congress, Nice, France, September 24, 2019.
Hasegawa N, Shah VV, Ragothaman A, Stuart S, Carlson-Kuhta P, Nutt J, Horak FB, Asaka T, Mancini M.: Feature Selection of Mobility Metrics of Balance Dysfunction in Parkinson’s Disease. 2019 ISPGR World Congress, Edinburgh, UK, July 4, 2019.
Mani H, Miyagishima S, Kozuka N, Taneda K, Inoue T, Takeda K, Asaka T.: Development of postural control during single-leg standing in children aged 3-10 years. 2019 ISPGR World Congress, Edinburgh, UK, July 4, 2019.
Hasegawa N, Ishikawa K, Sato Y, Nakayama Y, Asaka T: Short-term effects of postural control by standing on a tilting board in patients with Parkinson’s disease.