Ishikawa K, Hasegawa N, Yokoyama A, Sakaki Y, Akagi H, Kawata A, Mani H, Asaka T: Effects of the Loss of Binocular and Motion Parallax on Static Postural Stability.
Miyagishima S, Mani H, Sato Y, Inoue T, Asaka T, Kozuka N: Developmental changes in straight gait in childhood.
Mani H, Kato N, Hasegawa N, Urano Y, Aiko T, Kurogi T, Asaka T: Visual feedback in the lower visual field affects postural control during static standing.
Wang Y, Watanabe K, Asaka T: Anticipatory and compensatory postural adjustments in response to dynamic platform perturbation during a forward step.
Mani H, Miyagishima S, Kozuka N, Inoue T, Hasegawa N, Asaka T: Development of the relationships among dynamic balance control, inter-limb coordination, and torso coordination during gait in children aged 3-10 years.
Hasegawa N, Tanaka S, Mani H, Inoue T, Wang Y, Watanabe K, Asaka T: Adaptation of the compensatory stepping response following predictable and unpredictable perturbation training.
Hasegawa N, Maas KC, Shah VV, Kuhta PC, Nutt JG, Horak FB, Asaka T, Mancini M: Functional limits of stability and standing balance in people with Parkinson’s disease with and without freezing of gait using wearable sensors.
Taneda K, Mani H, Kato N, Komizunai S, Ishikawa K, Maruya T, Hasegawa N, Takamatsu Y, Asaka T: Effects of simulated peripheral visual field loss on the static postural control in young healthy adults.
Hasegawa N, Takeda K, Mancini M, King LA, Horak FB, Asaka T: Differential effects of visual versus auditory biofeedback training for voluntary postural sway.
Mani H, Miyagishima S, Kozuka N, Takeda K, Taneda K, Inoue T, Sato Y, Asaka T: Development of temporal and spatial characteristics of anticipatory postural adjustments during gait initiation in children aged 3–10 years.