• Mani H, Miyagishima S, Kozuka N, Inoue T, Hasegawa N, Asaka T:
    Development of the relationships among dynamic balance control, inter-limb coordination, and torso coordination during gait in children aged 3-10 years.
  • 大会長を務めます第26回日本基礎理学療法学会学術大会が10月23日,24日にWeb開催されます.ふるってご参加ください.登録〆切前日の連絡になってしまったことをお許し願います.https://26jsptf.com
  • Hasegawa N, Tanaka S, Mani H, Inoue T, Wang Y, Watanabe K, Asaka T:
    Adaptation of the compensatory stepping response following predictable and unpredictable perturbation training.
  • Hasegawa N, Maas KC, Shah VV, Kuhta PC, Nutt JG, Horak FB, Asaka T, Mancini M:
    Functional limits of stability and standing balance in people with Parkinson’s disease with and without freezing of gait using wearable sensors.
  • eBooKを出版しました.Tadayoshi Asaka & Naoya Hasegawa: Augmented Sensory Biofeedback for Dynamic Postural Control: Visual vs. Auditory, Eliva Press, Moldova, 2021. https://www.amazon.com/dp/9975154824
  • Taneda K, Mani H, Kato N, Komizunai S, Ishikawa K, Maruya T, Hasegawa N, Takamatsu Y, Asaka T:
    Effects of simulated peripheral visual field loss on the static postural control in young healthy adults.
  • Hasegawa N, Takeda K, Mancini M, King LA, Horak FB, Asaka T:
    Differential effects of visual versus auditory biofeedback training for voluntary postural sway.
  • Mani H, Miyagishima S, Kozuka N, Takeda K, Taneda K, Inoue T, Sato Y, Asaka T:
    Development of temporal and spatial characteristics of anticipatory postural adjustments during gait initiation in children aged 3–10 years.