• Ito K, Tomata Y, Kogure M, Sugawara Y, Watanabe T, Asaka T, Tsuji I:
    Housing type after the Great East Japan Earthquake and loss of motor function in elderly victims: A prospective observational study
  • Miyagishima S, Asaka T, Kamatsuka K, Kozuka N, Kobayashi M, Igarashi R, Hori T, Yoto Y, Tsutsumi H:
    Characteristics of antigravity spontaneous movements in preterm infants up to 3 months of corrected age
  • 日本健康行動科学会第15回学術大会において、田中晨太郎くんと呉瑕さんに大会長優秀発表賞が授与されました。
  • 「さくらサイエンス事業」で高雄医学大学(台湾)から6名の学生、Dr.カリアディ病院(インドネシア)から2名のPTを招へいして学術的交流を深めました。
  • Asaka T: Postural control and Clinical applications. Tianjin University of Sports, China, April 28. 2016.
  • HPをリニューアルしました。
  • Mani H, Takeda K, Hasegawa N, Nanbu M, Totsuka M, Tsuda A, Itou K, Ohashi T, Suwahara T, Zhao J, Hsiao SF, Asaka T: Difference of the relative distances from center of pressure to center of mass between the young and elderly people during One-leg standing, APCOCS 2014, June 12-13, Japan
  • Hasegawa N, Sakuma M, Mani H, Totsuka M, Tsuda A, Ito K, Ohashi T, Suwahara T, Takeda K, Zhao J, Hsiao SF, Kasahara S, Asaka T: Different effects of motor learning between visual and auditory feedback exercises in dynamic postural balance, APCOCS 2014, June 12-13, Japan
  • Totsuka M, Ibuki A, Mani H, Hasegawa N, Ohashi T, Suwahara T, Takeda K, Itou K, Tsuda M, Zhao J, Asaka T, Asaka T: The relationship between center of mass and center of pressure in the limits of stability, APCOCS 2014, June 12-13, Japan
  • Tsuda A, Mochizuki T, Konishi T, Izumi T, Mani H, Hasegawa T, Totsuka M, Jing Z, Yamamoto K, Hsiao SF, Asaka T: Characteristics of Stability Limits and Distributions of Feet Pressure During Reaching Movements in Patients with Stroke, WCPT-AWP & ACPT 2013, September 7-8, Taiwan